Thursday, February 28, 2019

K-Neareest Neighbour- Real time application

In this article I would like to give a real time example scenario where KNN can be used. The K Nearest Neighbors algorithm (KNN) is an elementary but important machine learning algorithm. KNN can be used for both classification and regression predictive problems. The reason for the popularity of K Nearest Neighbors can be attributed to its easy interpretation and low calculation time.

k-NN is often used in search applications where you are looking for “similar” items; that is, when your task is some form of “find items similar to this one”. You’d call this a k-NN search.
The biggest use case of k-NN search might be Recommender Systems. Recommender Systems are used for recommending products, advertisements and media,etc.

For example, based on the residence location of a person we can recommend the person with a product that has the highest sales in that location. This can be further detailed with a more detailed example: If in a particular locality if there is a voltage fluctuations in the electricity supply for households, a resident of that locality can be recommended with a stabilizer when he purchases a refrigerator.